Events & Outreach @ UCCEG
Events & Outreach @ UCCEG
Fall Festival - September 30th 2023
Cafe Script - Tuesdays @ 1 p.m.
Cafe Script is the Pastor's weekly Bible Study. We look at a passage from Scripture and share, learn and grow together. We meet in the fellowship hall or outside.
Please contact the Music Director to find out more about the choir or if you would like to sing or play a musical instrument for worship. We also have a bell choir which plays for special occasions. Bell choir rehearses as needed after Sunday worship. Our choirs take a break during the summer months.
Sunday School
We are currently reviewing our Sunday School program. Stay tuned for more information.
Fall Festival (formerly "Apple Butter Festival")
Our Garden
Throughout the year, we support the United Church of Christ's Special Mission Offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen The Church, Neighbors In Need and The Christmas Fund.
Blessing of the Animals
Church World Service Blanket Appeal
By collecting Mother's Day dedications to appear in the bulletin each year we raise several hundred dollars to help provide those in need around the world with warm blankets.
Our women's group also supports this non-profit that helps children placed there by the juvinile justice system.