God Gives Us A "10"

I was listening to the wonderful writer and TED Talk speaker, Dr. Brené Brown, as I drove alone in early May. I first heard of Dr. Brown when our Council president, Linda Ardao, had the new Council listen to a video presentation at our Council retreat. Her words peak to the human condition of being in relationships with others in our daily lives. Dr. Brown speaks of vulnerability and living a wholehearted life; keeping ourselves honest, open, and fully present to life; without judging ourselves or others; and allowing for forgiveness, challenges, and molding of our beings as we live out our relationships.

Each of us looks at ourselves and judges harshly any areas which are not a perfect “10,” seeing only flaws, incongruences, and parts we need to hide. Brené Brown doesn’t say she is speaking God-love talk, but she is. She reminds me to remember I am a beloved child of God. I have been wonderfully and fearfully made by a most generous, forgiving, compassionate creator who just wants me to love and be loved, and allow the Holy to continue to mold me into the best daughter I can be. I have no promise or guarantee that I will not make mistakes, misspeak, forget to see the big picture, be intolerable to be with sometimes. I am sure I will speak before I think, judge too quickly, want to throw in the towel, imagine scenarios which are all in my mind, and wonder what God was thinking. Didn’t God know what I know when He decided to shut the best door for me?

This summer is a time when hopefully we each will find some moments to rest and relax. I am hoping that when we are sitting on the deck, in the back yard, or the beach, riding in the car, and breathing in God’s love, we would reflect on how we see ourselves, and how God sees us. To wonder how God wants to mold us and strengthen us anew, and to remember the scripture, Psalm 139:14, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Could this be the summer, to even get a journal and write a prayer, a reflection, a poem, a letter?  
Pastor Angelee