Practicing Stewardship: Creating the Realm of God


As we practice stewardship in our life, we begin to notice that the Realm of God becomes more and more tangible. If we are able to live stewardship to its fullest, then we will be able to experience the fullness of the Realm of God.


Jesus is consistently reminding us that the Realm of God is right here in our midst, if only we have the eyes to see it!


It is. It is right in front of us. The Realm of God surrounds us each and every moment of the day beckoning us to reach out and touch it.


But how? How do we experience the Realm of God? What can we do to align ourselves with this energetic field so that its presence is reality in our life?


Simply: practice stewardship to its fullest!


Stewardship invites us to be transformational custodians our of inner and outer world. When we are in the fullness of Spirit’s invitation, we are fully aligned with Spirit and fully living in the Realm of God.




Yet, not so easy to actually do…


Stewardship begins with a sense of the awesome godliness of God (that everything is created by Spirit and all that we have are gifts from Spirit) and continues with an understanding that God has indeed revealed purposes and visions to humankind, God’s Realm. Stewardship, as a lifestyle, then invites us to mirror Spirit’s example as Steward of all of Creation. Those of us who follow the way of Jesus also mirror his life and ministry, Jesus’ example of stewardship.


This is a tall order, one which we often feel inadequate to succeed at.


However, let us remember that God, Godself, has not always succeeded at it either. The Hebrew Bible is full of moments when God struggled with how to engage humanity, with what it means to be a Steward of these beings God created to live on earth. God learns throughout the Hebrew Bible that humanity does not better itself because God is wrathful and punishing. Humanity does not respond compassionately to violence. Humanity needs to be loved, empowered, encouraged, held in community. It takes many experiences before God learns this lesson about how to best be a good Steward to humankind.


But God never gives up. God continues in God’s presence with us into all eternity.


This is our hope. We learn as we practice.


Sometimes we are tremendously powerful and transformative stewards, calling for justice, extending compassion and extreme hospitality, making a huge different in the injustices of our world.


Other times we fall out of alignment with Spirit and wander, losing sight of what it means to be stewards of God’s creation. This is when accountability is important. It calls us back into alignment with God’s example, with Jesus’ example of stewardship.


The Realm of God is experienced through Stewardship.


When we are in those moments of powerful transformative stewardship, we experience the Realm of God!


When I was standing in front of the ICE prison and court witnessing and waiting for a young man who was going to court applying for asylum to come safely out of that building, I was standing in the Realm of God. When he walked safely out with his lawyer next to him, tears arose in my eyes. That thin veil between ordinary reality and the Realm of God had disappeared. Justice was tangible. Compassion was the experience of the moment.


All present knew we were in the presence of the Realm of God. This moment was possible because many of us stewarded our time, skills, abilities, prayers and hearts to be witnesses during this moment — witnesses for justice.


The Realm of God is fleeting. It comes into experience at times when we are not prepared. Sometimes for only moments, seconds. Other times for extended periods and experiences.


It is always there.


The Realm of God is inviting us, encouraging us, enticing us, empowering us to experience it, to remove the veil between worlds, to bring it fully into our reality, even if only for a moment.


When we are good stewards, when we are following Spirit’s call and guidance, these moments will be reality more and more often.


How have you experienced the Realm of God this week?


When has your stewardship of your time, resources, heart, self brought you into full experience of the Realm of God?


How might you do that again?